BOMONSTER Recommends Answering to Another Artist
Many artists can do one thing well. But I know an artist who does many things well. Meet Kate Cook. She is an illustrator, painter, pinstriper, sign painter, podcaster and genuinely nice person whose more interested in learning about other artists than she is telling you about herself.

I first met her a few years ago while we were vending my art at the Lone Star Roundup. She was just about to graduate with her art degree and had questions. The next thing I know she's published in magazines and had created a series of paintings called "She's been everywhere, man" featuring pinup girls and cars across America. She takes on personal art commissions and participates in live panel jams in between creating fine art and her commercial ventures. And if that wasn't enough, her interest in other artists led her to start her own podcast "The Curated Craftsman."

And perhaps that is the most telling side of her creative talents. She is definitely curious about other artists - not just in their abilities but in their inspiration and what drives them to do what they do. When you are a creator of creative things, it's only natural to wonder where our creativity comes from? Kate wonders about those larger questions and likes to ask creative people what they think. Where do you think your personal gifts and talents come from? God? The universe? Genetics? Self? It's a good question and maybe the most important one of life. Thank you Kate for asking.
See more of Kate's Asphalt Canvas work HERE.
Hear her on Spotify HERE
Hear her on Apple HERE
Watch her Curated Craftsman podcasts on Hand, Head, Heart Collective HERE.