BOMONSTER Scratches Old Harleys

bomonster hand scratches a harley chopper design

My is art created on scratchboard. I start with a solid black inked board and scratch the surface lightly with an Xacto knife. I start with a basic outline and scratch the details thinking about a light source. Wherever the light hits I scratch and I leave the shadows alone. It's the opposite of creating a tattoo by using the shadows to create the depth but similar in that mistakes are hard to cover up. Part of what gives my work its own style is that I don't using straight edges or template tools when scratching. It's all freehand once the outline shape is planned out and transferred to the board surface. This modern day cowboy scene was scanned when finished and looks great silkscreened on shirts and printed on a lithograph press. 

bomonster hand scratched motorcycle image

final hand scratched harley motorcycle scene by bomonster

vintage harley chopper scene on a shirt or print by bomonster

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