BOMONSTER Would Make a Terrible Judge
Born Free is one of the best chopper shows I've seen. We started vending my BOMONSTER art & apparel there eight years ago and it seems the last one is always the best one. Rarely do I see shows get better over time. Some are always good. Some start to show signs of fatigue. Rarely do they surprise and become more creative each time out. Born Free is the exception. There's live music, fun people, a huge VANS skateboard ramp, unique vendors, custom motorcycle giveaways and a thousand spectator bikes parked on the lawn. But the heart of the show are the featured bikes - all of which are built specifically for the show. Every year, the builders bring their best efforts and always shock each other with higher levels of craftsmanship and originality that inspires. I don't always know what I'm looking at but whatever it it is I like it. I would make a terrible judge because I like it all. Here's why...