Moving Without Breaking BOMONSTER's Car

In 2022, we moved. After 28 years in one house, and a lifetime in one state, we realized we needed a change of scenery. So we packed our bags in California and unpacked them in northern Arizona. We decluttered, downsized and simplified just one state over but gained a whole new outlook on the world. Skies are clear, the scenery is fantastic and the people are nice. In fact, they're too busy hiking, mtn biking and driving cool old cars to complain about politics. Everyone knows how messed up everything is but no one has the time to gripe about it. And I'm not going to be the first to bring it up.
Moving is always a challenge - especially with a business - but I left the trickiest challenge for last. How to move a low car that scrapes going up any ramped trailer? My Kellison is built on a 1965 C2 Corvette chassis and the independent suspension has been turned down as far as possible. The high-velocity oil pan and headers on the 455 Olds motor are only about 3" off the ground. Try loading on any U-Haul car trailer and the car gets stuck in the middle transitioning from ramp to trailer bed.
A car guy friend offered his Futura ramp-less trailer. The bed is on cables which lower with the press of a button. A motor lowers the bed between the wheels, you drive on it, get out, hit the button and the bed lifts back up to ride height.
My friend asked how I liked it. I did my best to convince him to leave Malibu for Arizona so I could borrow his trailer any time. His house is now for sale if you're interested.